Sunday, March 4, 2012

2/28 -3/4

So far prep has been good, and starting to feel the diet a little bit more, although my weight is holding right around 164 lately. Looking leaner and if anything, have just filled out a little more and made very minor improvements to some areas. Workouts are still good, but energy is a little lower now during the day than it used to be, but I still feel pretty good while training. Diet has been right on point, and switching up food, such as carb sources given what time of day it is. It might be me overanalyzing things a bit, but it gives me variety and feel like it works. Noticing more fullness in my lefts and arms, and my back seems to be "drying out" a bit more too.

Overall I think I'll be in a good spot come April, and then have plenty of time to fine tune things for the other 2 shows. Practicing posing and already have my routine down. Hope to keep moving in the right direction.

35 mins cardio; low carb day

Quads and Low abs
Squats: 3 warms, 315 x 5, 365 x 3, 370 x 2, x 2 (drop set, 225 x 8, 2 second pause at bottom)
Leg Extension: 2 warms, 245 x 10, x 10 (drop set, 170 x 8, 130 x 7)
Walking Lunge: 1 warm, 75's x 8, x 8, x 8
Front Squat: 1 warm, 165 x 10, x 8
1 leg-leg extension: 60 lbs, 1 set to failure
Abs: decline reverse crunch: x 14, x 12, x 11, x 10
35 mins cardio

Back and Calves
Pull-ups: 5 sets to failure
T-bar machine row: 2 warms, 310 x 6, 320 x 5, x 5 (rest pause: x 3, x 2)
Hammer High pulldown: 2 warms, 1 rest pause: 200 x 7, x 4, x 2
Low cable row (2 second squeeze, 3 count negative): 160 x 11, x 10, x 10
Standing Calf: 3 warms, 315 x 13, x 11, x 10 (drop set, 225 x 9, 135 x 10)
35 mins cardio

Chest and Tri's
Flat DB: 3 warms, 100's x 6, x 5, x 5 (drop set, 65's x 8)
Chest dips: body weight + 30 x 8, x 8, x 6, body weight x 7
In. Db: 65's x 12, x 11, x 10
Flat press: 1 warm, 1 rest pause: 190 x 6, x 4, x 2
Tricep pressdown (long): 2 warms, 80 x 8, 87.5 x 7 (drop set, 50 x 6, 35 x 7)
DB dbl kickback: 35's x 11, 40's x 9, 35's x 10
1 arm pressdown: 1 warm, 30 x 11, x 10 (rest pause, x 6)
HIIT: 5 warm, 15 intervals, 8 cooldown

Deads high rep: 4 warms, 265 x 11, 275 x 10, x 9
DB leg curl: 2 warms, 65's x 8, 70's x 8, x 7 (20 second stretch at bottom at end)
Reverse Lunge: 1 warm, 155 x 4, 160 x 4 (drop set, body weight to failure)
Stiff leg DB: 1 warm, 100 x 10, 95 x 10 (4 count negatives, 1 second squeeze at top)
Ab: Roman Chair: x 15, x 13, x 12, x 10
30 minutes cardio

Delts and Biceps
Seated bar press: 3 warms, 165 x 5, 160 x 5 (rest pause x 3, x 2 )
1 arm cable lateral: 1 warm, 30 x 8, x 8, 32.5 x 6 (drop set, 25 x 8)
Rear delt raise on bench: 35's x 10, 30's x 10, x 10
ss DB shrug: 100's x 10, 95's x 11, x 10
In. DB curl: 2 warms, 40's x 6, x 5 (drop set, 30's x 5, 20's x 7)
Cable curl (straight bar): 2 warms, 62.5 x 9, 72.5 x 6 (drop set, 42.5 x 7, 30 x 7)
1 arm preacher: 1 warm, 30 x 11, x 10 (3 count negative)
HIIT: 5 warm, 15 intervals, 8 cool down

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