Monday, February 27, 2012

2/23 - 2/27

So far everything seems to be going really well. Weight as of today was 163.1, which was nice to see, since it means my metabolism is still responding well to everything and the decrease is slow, but my strength is holding and sometimes increasing. It's the lightest I've ever been but I look as heavy as I actually weighed in the off-season (people have guessed that I still weigh over 170). Energy levels are pretty good throughout the day, and dip later on as I taper my carbs. Veggies have been my best friend when it comes to staying full and eating a little more volume on low-carb days. Still adding in sauces like mustard, reduced sodium hot sauce, and Walden Farms' products, and keeping water through the roof. But overall the dieting part is just 2nd nature now, no thought or anything involved. Workouts are solid, and adding in a little extra cardio has really paid off. If I can be ready early, just makes it easier.

Also been posing every other night for about 15 minutes or so. Hoping this helps bring in details due to the isometric contractions. But overall this prep has been awesome, and really thinking this will be my best package on stage to date. Tomorrow will be a low carb day, followed by Quads and Abs and a High-carb day on Wednesday

Quads and Abs
Squats: 3 warms, 335 x 5, 365 x 3, x 3, 370 x 2 (drop set, 225 x 8)
Leg extension: 2 warms, 240 x 11, x 10 (drop set, 180 x 7, 140 x 7, 100 x 5)
Walking db lunge: 1 warm, 70's x 8, x 8, x 8 (controlled negatives and squeeze at top)
Front squat: 165 x 11, x 11, x 9
Low abs: Roman Chair: 1 warm, x 15 x 13, x 12
30 mins cardio

Back and Calves
Pull-ups: 5 sets to failure (slow, controlled negatives)
T-bar (machine type-t-bar): 2 warms, 290 x 6, 300 x 6, 310 x 5 (rest pause, x 2, x 2)
Low pulley row: 1 warm, 180 x 10, 180 x 10, x 8 (drop set, 120 x 9, 100 x 8)
High pulldown: 1 warm, 180 x 11, x 8 (rest pause, x 4, x 3)
Standing calf: 3 warms, 295 x 10 x 10, 305 x 9 (drop set, 225 x 9, 185 x 7 with x-reps to failure)
35 mins cardio

Chest and Tri's
Flat Db: 3 warm, 100's x 6, x 6, x 5 (drop set, 60's x 8)
Chest Dips: bodyweight + 25: x 8, x 8, x 7, x 5 (bodyweight x 7)
In. Db: 65's x 12, x 10, x 10 (30 second stretch at bottom)
Flat press: 2 warms, 1 rest pause: 195 x 7, x 3, x 2
Tricep press (long): 2 warms, 80 x 9, x 8 (drop set, 62.5 x 10, 50 x 7)
DB dbl kickback: 35's x 11, x 10, x 10 (drop set, 15's x 8)
1 arm press: 1 warm, 30 x 11, x 11 (rest pause, x 7, x 3)
HIIT: 5 warm, 15 intervals, 8 cool down

Deads high reps: 4 warms, 265 x 10, 270 x 10, x 9
DB leg curl: 2 warms, 50 x 8, x 8, x 7
Reverse lunge: 1 warm, 155 x 4, x 4 (drop set, unweighted to failure)
Stiff leg DB: 1 warm, 100's x 11, x 10
Abs: Decline board: x 15, x 13, x 13, x 12
35 mins cardio

Delts and Biceps
Seated Bar press: 3 warms, 150 x 6, x 5 (rest pause, x 3, x 2)
1 arm cable lateral: 1 warm, 25 x 8, x 8, 27.5 x 7 (drop set, 15 x 8)
Rear delt raise: 55's x 10, x 10, x 9
ss DB shrug: 90's x 10, x 10, x 10
In. Db curl: 2 warms, 45's x 5, 40's x 6 (rest pause, x 4, x 2; drop set, 20's x 7)
Cable curl (straight bar attachment): 2 warms, 62.5 x 8, x 6 (drop set, 52.5 x 6, 42.5 x 7)
1 arm preacher: 1 warm, 30 x 11, x 11
HIIT: 5 warm, 15 intervals, 9 cool down

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