Saturday, January 28, 2012

1/23 - 1/28

Catch up since dealing with class work and Drexel's housing department has sucked up a lot of my time this past week (gotta love college sometimes).

Not a whole lot to report that's new. Weight as of 1/27 was 168, and strength is still increasing on a number of movements, so it's just body fat that's coming off. Energy levels are usually pretty good; they're solid throughout the day, just dip a little later on in the day between meals and later at night, but no biggie. Workouts have been solid and everything has felt good this first time through the new routine. Everything seems to be on point at the moment.

Delts and Biceps
Laterals: 3 warms, 55's x 8 x 7 (drop set, ran the rack, to failure [45's, 35's, 25's, 20's, 15's, 10's])
In. Delt Press: 1 warm, 80's x 8, x 8, x 8 (drop set, 45's x 10)
Plate raise: 35 x 12, x 11, x 11
ss Upright row: 90 x 12, x 12, x 12 (wider grip, 2 count negative)
Hammer curl: 2 warms, 60's x 6, 65's x 5, x 4 (drop set, 45's x 6, 30's x 5 )
Close curl: 2 warms, 100 x 8, x 8 (drop set, 80 x 8, 60 x 7)
1 arm cable: 25 x 10, x 9 (controlled negative)
HIIT: 5 warm, 10 intervals, 10 cooldown

Quads and Abs
Squat: 3 warms, 315 x 5, 345 x 4, x 4 (drop set, 225 x 10, 135 x 8 (sat in the bottom for a second) )
V-squat (closest thing at Drexel to hack): 2 warms, 290 x 8, 310 x 6 (drop set, 270 x 10)
Leg ext.: 1 warm, 235 x 11, 240 x 10, 245 x 9 (drop set, 180 x 8, 130 x 8)
Sissy squat: 3 working: x 12, x 11, x 11 (4 second negatives)
Leg raises: 1 warm, x 15, x 13, x 12 (4 second negative)
25 mins cardio
Evening: 10 minutes cardio

Back and Calves
Lat palms in (hammer strength): 3 warms, 180 x 6, 190 x 6, 200 x 5 (drop set, 180 x 4, 100 x 8)
DB bent over row: 2 warms, 90 x 8, 100 x 6, x 5
Close row: 1 warm, 160 x 11, 180 x 10, x 10 (drop set, 140 x 9, 120 x 8)
Bent over row (rest pause since no chains allowed, dumb rule): 2 warms, 205 x 9, x 5, x 3
Donkey calf: 3 warms, 190 x 15, 210 x 14, x 14 (drop set, 150 x 14, 130 x 12)
25 minutes cardio
Evening: 10 minutes cardio

Chest and Tri's
Slight In. Db: 3 warms, 90's x 6, 100's x 5, x 3
Flat bar press: 2 warms, 205 x 7, 215 x 5, x 5 (drop set, 185 x 6, 135 x 7)
Chest Dip: 3 sets to failure
In. Db press x reps: 80's x 8, 70's x 11
Tri dip: b.w. + 30 lbs, 3 sets to failure (drop set on last set, no dumbbell added)
Rope pressdown: 47.5 x 11, 52.5 x 10, x 9 (drop set, 42.5 x 8, 32.5 x 8)
Reverse Pressdown: 57.5 x 12, x 11 (drop set, 47.5 x 8, 37.5 x 8)
HIIT: 5 warm up, 10 intervals, 10 cooldown

Calf on leg press: 3 warms, 568 x 12, x 12, x 11, (rest pause, x 10, x 6, x 3, drop set, 1 drop to failure)
12 mins stair climber
12 minutes treadmill
11 minutes elliptical
35 minutes total

Stiff leg deads: 4 warms, 225 x 8, 245 x 6, 250 x 5
Glute ham: 4 sets, x 10, x 8, x 8, x 7
Split squat: 1 warm, 120 x 10, x 10
Good morning: 1 warm, 185 x 10, x 10 (drop set, 135 x 11)
Abs: Hammer strength machine: 80lbs resistance x 14, x 12, 75 x 13, x 13 (30 second static hold at end)
30 mins cardio (since 1/22 was 35 minutes, and only scheduled for 3 35-minute low intensity sessions per week, the extra 30 I did today was more or less to flush the hammies and keep my metabolism revved up. Extra work never hurts lol)

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