Sunday, January 29, 2012


Weight after the workout was 168.5, and energy levels throughout the workout were good. Diet was on point and hit all the numbers easily. Tomorrow will be a high carb day and I'll be hitting quads and abs, with only 20 minutes of cardio. Reason being that it's an extra 20 in addition to my 35 minute sessions done 3 times per week and the 2 HIIT sessions, and my legs feel a bit sore from the hammie workout. Plus, went for a 35 minute walk with my girlfriend tonight since she likes going for walks when we're bored. So the 30 I did tonight was pretty low intensity (although we did walk at a pretty good pace), obviously, but still did that in addition the the HIIT session I did after delts and biceps in the morning. Good way to get a little extra work in, and she knows it is helping me through the whole process, so it's good to have someone like that on board. But now, for what I did workout wise:

Delts and Biceps
DB press: 3 warms, 80's x 6, 85's x 5 (drop set, 60's x 6, 45's x 7)
Bar shrug: 2 warms, 225 x 8, rest pause: 235 x 7, x 4, x 3 (10 breaths between)
Front bar raise (underhand, elbows bent): 70 x 12, x 11, x 10 (slow negatives)
ss Rear delt raise on bench: 35's x 10, x 9, 30's x 10 (3 count negatives)
Bar curl: 3 warms, 95 x 6, rest pause, 100 x 5, x 3, x 2 (10 breaths between)
Alt. DB curl: 1 warm, 35 x 8, x 8, 30 x 8
Conc. Curl: 1 warm, 40 x 9, 35 x 11 (drop set, 25 x 9, 20 x 9)
HIIT Cardio: 5 warmup, 10 intervals, 10 cooldown
35 minute walk

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