Saturday, February 18, 2012


Everything seems to be going according to plan. Weight was still at 165 even after the high carb day. Hit back and calves today, energy was good, and was pleased with the strength. Liking the new routine so far, and really focusing on form and the contractions of the muscles in each workout. Been utilizing the stair-mill more for cardio and liking how my legs feel from it (fatigued, but seem to stay fuller and weight seems to drop a bit whenever I kick up the use of this machine for cardio). All in all everything seems good. Energy levels throughout the day are pretty stable, but tend to be tired at the end of the day. Looking forward to the show even more now that it's 9 weeks away (8 weeks and 6 days of this post being published lol). Hope to really bring the best conditioning that I can above all else, but trying to be as complete as possible as well.

Stiff leg deads: 4 warms, 245 x 8, 275 x 6, x 5 (rest pause, x 3, x 2)
Glute Ham: 4 sets: x 10, x 9, x 9, x 7
Split Squat: 1 warm, 145 x 8, x 7
Good mornings: 1 warm, 185 x 12, x 12 (drop set, 155 x 8 )
Abs: Hammer strength ab crunch: 85 x 13, 80 x 12, x 10, 70 x 11
35 mins cardio

"Off" day
Calves: 6 sets
Cardio 35 minutes

Delts and Biceps
DB press: 3 warms, 85's x 7, x 7 (drop set, 65's x 6, 40's x 6)
Bar shrug: 2 warms, 275 x 8, rest pause 275 x 7, x 4, x 2
Front bar raise (underhand, elbows bent): 70 x 12, x 12, x 12 -- controlled negatives
ss Rear delt raise on bench: 45's x 11, x 9, 40's x 10 (drop set, 25's x 7)
Bar curl: 3 warms, 115 x 5, rest pause: 115 x 5, x 2, x 1
Alt. DB curl: 1 warm, 45 x 8, x 8, x 6
Conc. Curl: 1 warm, 40 x 10, x 10 (drop set, 30 x 6, 20 x 6)
HIIT Cardio: 5 warmup, 12 intervals, 10 cooldown

Quads and Low abs
Squats: 3 warms, 315 x 5, 335 x 5, 365 x 3, x 2 (225 x 9, sat at the bottom for 1 count)
Leg extension: 2 warms, 240 x 10, x 9 (drop set, 190 x 7, 140 x 6, 100 x 6, squeeze each rep on drop sets)
Walking db lunge: 1 warm, 60's x 8, 65's x 8, x 8 (controlled negatives and squeeze at top)
Front squat: 155 x 12, 165 x 11, x 10 (sat in the bottom of it, free, not smith front squats this time)
Low abs: Decline ab board: 1 warm, x 14, x 13, x 11
30 mins cardio

Back and Calves
Pull-ups: 5 sets to failure (slow, controlled negatives were my focus here)
T-bar (machine type-t-bar): 2 warms, 270 x 6, 290 x 6, 300 x 5 (rest pause, x 3, x 2)
Low pulley row: 1 warm, 180 x 10, 180 x 9, 160 x 11 (drop set, 120 x 10, 100 x 8)
High pulldown: 1 warm, 170 x 13, 180 x 8 (rest pause, x 5, x 3)
Standing calf: 3 warms, 275 x 11, 285 x 10, 295 x 10 (drop set, 225 x 8, 185 x 7 with x-reps to failure)
35 mins cardio

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