Monday, February 6, 2012

2/4 - 2/6

Nice weekend and kept the diet right on point on Sunday. Energy levels were down on Saturday since it was a low carb day and did cardio, but felt better yesterday and now I feel right back to normal. Didn't weigh myself today but I try not to since I usually tend to go up a very little bit after a high carb day (don't need to mess with myself mentally). Strength is still awesome and increasing on a lot of principle lifts; I'm apparently eating enough to help maintain the muscle mass I have (if not gain) but still lose body fat. Liking how things are shaping up and really feeling good through my workouts.

Side Note: Walks at night with my girlfriend have been nice, and are adding extra cardio in. Since neither of us are really booking it I don't have to worry about overdoing it (plus I always have bcaa's with me anyway) and it's just a good way to maybe add a little extra work into my day, while still staying out of a muscle-wasting zone. She knows it's a good thing for me and she likes going on walks in general, so just a good way for some light, leisurely, but extra cardio. Plus helps my legs feel a bit less sore too actually.

Cardio: 30 minutes
Evening: 60 minutes light walking in the city

Quads and Low abs
Squats: 3 warms, 315 x 6, 335 x 5, 360 x 3, x 2 (225 x 8 drop set)
V squat: 2 warms, 335 x 6, x 6
Sissy squat: 3 sets, x 13, x 12, x 12 (4 second negatives, 1 second stretch at bottom)
Leg extension: 1 warm, 240 x 10, x 9, x 8 (lower weight since I switched up the order of this and sissy squats, quads were about to explode from the pump though)
Roman Chair: 1 warm, holding 10 lb plate: x 15, x 13, x 11
30 minutes cardio

Back and Calves
Hammer strength Lat pulldown palm in: 3 warms, 220 x 6, 230 x 5, x 5 (drop set, 2 drops to failure)
Db row: 2 warms, 100's x 6, x 6, rest-pause x 6, x 3, x 2
Close hammer high row: 1 warm, 160 x 12, 180 x 10, x 10 (drop set, 140 x 6, 120 x 7)
Bent over row: 2 warms, rest-pause 225 x 8, x 5, x 4 (drop, 135 x 7)
Standing calf: 3 warms, 225 x 14, x 13, x 12 (drop set, 135 x 10, 2 second squeeze at the top on each)
35 minutes cardio

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