Saturday, February 26, 2011


Delts and Tri's
-Great workout to finish off this routine. Strength has noticeably improved and noticing some improved width in my shoulders. Rear delts are really coming in nicely. Triceps are a lot thicker and my arms look a lot fuller as a result. Finished with some cardio. Overall feel pretty good and gonna start over with routine A.

Db press: 2 warms, 75's x 10, 85's x 8, 85's x 8, 85's x 6
Upright rows: 2 warms, 110 x 10, 125 x 9, 135 x 8
Rear delt (standing cables, reverse flyes): 1 warm, 60 x 12, 70 x 12, 70 x 10
Seated Bar extension: 2 warms, 90 x 6, 85 x 10, 85 x 9
Db kickback: 1 warm, 45's x 12, 50's x 10, 55's x 9
1 arm rope pressdown: 1 warm, 27.5 x 10

Chest and Biceps
-Switched up the order of this and quads and calves since my left leg has a bruise on it, made it hard to do much of anything. Great workout to start off the next cycle of this routine. Really got a great pump in my upper chest and know I've improved strength wise since the first time around. Incline DB press felt great, and lasted a lot longer on dips than I did before. Lowered the weight on flat bench press and really focused on the contraction and the negative part of the rep; really felt great doing this and was a good way to change things up a bit. Bicep work was great. Overall everything felt awesome. The free meal from this morning gave me a little more energy. Weight after the workout was 181, so my weight actually increased slightly for a change haha. Finished up with some ab and oblique work.

In. DB press: 2 warms, 80's x 8, 90's x 8, 90's x 7, 90's x 6
Flat bar: 2 warms, 185 x 10, 205 x 9
Chest dips: 4 sets to failure
Bar curl: 2 warms, 115 x 6, 115 x 6, 115 x 6
Rope curl: 1 warm, 50 x 10, 65 x 10, 65 x 8 (drop set, 1 drop, 3 second isometric hold each time on the drop set)
1 arm concentration curl: 1 warm, 40's x 12
Ab and oblique work: 5 sets

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