Friday, January 14, 2011


Quads and Calves
-Great workout to start the new routine. Strength has definitely improved. Overall, everything felt good, just was experiencing some minor joint pain in my left knee. Squats were good and controlled, went really heavy and did all that was called for. Since Drexel doesn't have a hack squat machine (I swear, they haven't taken any of my suggestions/requests seriously), I did single leg extensions instead. I'll probably look up the proper form for a barbell hack squat to do next time around. Split squat and sissy squats really fried the quads, felt really good and got a great pump. Calves felt good through the DB weighted calf raises. Ab work at the end; did cable crunches and leg raises

Squats: 2 warms, 225 x 8, 315 x 375 x 7, 410 x 5
Single Leg Extension: 2 warms, 85 x 10, 90 x 9
Sissy: 4 sets, 20 reps, 18, reps, 17 reps, 17 reps
Split Squat: 95 x 11, 95 x 10, 95 x 11
Calf DB's: 40's x 20, 50's x 18, 55's x 18, 55's x 17, 55's x 17
Ab work: 5 sets

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