Thursday, January 6, 2011


Delts and Tri's
-Felt really good today, normal workout time and did all that was called for. Added in a drop set on a few movements just to really burn out the muscles. Strength is definitely increasing and I'm a lot fuller than I was before. My body fat % is dropping; I can see just from visually judging my physique. Cardio was good at the end, and finished with abs/obliques to try and tighten up my midsection a bit more. Delts were popping, all my movements are really helping me add width to my upper body. Triceps are definitely bigger than before. Tomorrow will be a day off from weights, cardio work and then start my last week of this cycle. Then on to my second wave of movements. Only change I made this time was I used the hammer strength shoulder press due to lack of available barbells and there is no military press station at Drexel's gym =[ but I made the best of the situation.
-Hammer strength military press: 2 warms, 180 x 8, 190 x 8, 195 x 6, 195 x 6
Seated laterals: 1 warm, 40's x 10, 45's x 10, 45's x 8 (drop to 30's and burnout)
Front raises: 1 warm, 45's x 12, 45's x 12, 45's x 11
Tricep Press: 2 warms, 100 x 10, 110 x 9, 110 x 9 (drop twice and burnout)
Single DB extension: 1 warm, 30's x 10, 30's x 10, 30's x 9, drop and burnout
One arm underhand press: 1 warm, 22.5 x 12 (drop once and burnout)
Ab work: 3 sets

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