Sunday, January 23, 2011


Delts and Triceps
-Awesome workout, got a great pump in the delts and triceps. Felt strong on all the movements and upped the weights from last week. I'm noticing that my weight is slowly decreasing, but my strength is remaining the same. So, I'm guessing I'm maintaining and building muscle while cutting fat; I'm very pleased with this as I'm noticing improvements in certain aspects of my physique. My waist and abs are tighter and my V-taper is getting more pronounced. Delts are definitely more capped and full than before. Everything feels great at this point, kind of getting the itch to step on stage before 2012, but I know this time off will allow me to be as competitive as possible when I compete again. Body weight is currently at 183, and strength is increasing.

Side Laterals: 2 warms, 45's x 8, 50's x 8, 55's x 7
Barbell Shrugs: 2 warms, 315 x 10, 335 x 10, 345 x 9
High Incline DB Press: 1 warm, 65's x 10, 75's x 10, 85's x 7
Dips: 4 sets to failure
Rope Pushdown: 1 warm, 47.5 x 10, 52.5 x 10, 57.5 x 7 (drop set, dropped weight 2x)
Reverse pressdown: 1 warm, 42.5 x 11
Ab work: 3 sets

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