Sunday, April 3, 2011

4/2 - 4/3

Took April 1st off to get fat (April fool's lol) but killed it the past 2 days, even though I was a little bit busy getting myself situated for the term this weekend. So here's a double post:

Chest and Biceps
-Solid workout and really moved some nice weights. Changed up the order of 2 exercises and focused on negatives on a few movements, so the weights were slightly later. Still got a great pump and moved at a fast tempo. Weighed myself and landed at 180.5; small gain but hey, it's progress in the right direction. Did abs at the end and felt really good.

Slight In. bar press: 2 warms, 180 x 8, 200 x 7, 200 x 7, 210 x 6
Flat DB fly: 1 warm, 55's x 13, 55's x 12, 55's x 12 (3 second negatives) (drop set, 2 drops)
In DB press: 2 warms, 80's x 7, 80's x 7 (drop set, 1 drop)
In. DB curl: 2 warms, 55's x 6, 60's x 6, 65's x 5
Cable curl: 1 warm, 72.5 x 10, 80 x 8, 80 x 7 (drop set, 3 drops)
1 arm preacher machine: 1 warm, 45 x 10 (drop set, 1 drop)
Ab work: 5 sets

Back and Hams:
-Awesome workout and really killed it today. Moved up in weight on a few lifts and applied some slightly different principles to a few movements. Focused on the negatives on DB deads since I can't increase the weights. So instead, I'm just increasing the seconds I control the negative. Really squeezed on the glute hams. Overall solid workout. Finished up with cardio at the end. And side note: waiting for NO synthesize to get here. Plan on using that to help recovery and read good things about it (and the science behind the ingredient profile makes sense). Will keep updates on that.

Lat pulldown (underhand) : 2 warms, 220 x 8, 240 x 6, 240 x 6
Hammer strength rows: 2 warms, 450 x 6, 450 x 6, 450 x 6
DB deads: 2 warms, 100's x 8 (3 sec negative), 100's x 8 (4 sec negative)
Close grip row (high) : 160 x 11, 160 x 10, 160 x 10 (drop set, 2 drops)
Glute hams: 4 sets to failure
1 leg leg curl: 1 warm, 115 x 9
15 mins cardio

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