Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Double post to catch up and end this cycle of routines.
Back and Hams
-Really good workout to end this part of the routine. Upped the weights and the intensity and everything felt awesome. Weight is holding steady and my strength is still steadily going up, so I know I'm making progress. Really happy with barbell rows and stiff leg deads in particular; moved some really heavy weights but made sure I did it properly. Pump was sick and overall just a great way to end this part of the routine.
Pull-ups: 4 sets to failure
Barbell rows: 2 warms, 225 x 10, 315 x 7, 315 x 6
Rope Pulldown: 1 warm, 180 x 11, 180 x 10, 180 x 10 (drop set, 3 drops)
Stiff leg deads: 2 warms, 275 x 10, 315 x 8, 315 x 7
DB leg curl: 2 warms, 45 x 14, 45 x 12
1 leg leg curl: 1 warm, 105 x 12 (drop set, 2 drops)

Delts and triceps
-Great workout to end this routine. Really noticing some growth in my shoulders; they've never been this full and have helped me add some width from the front. Improved on just about every movement. Really focused on the contraction and time under tension on a few movements. Helped me get an awesome pump. Arms were full and strength didn't really fade much as the workout went on. Finished up with abs. Just a great note to end this routine on, really happy with the gains I've made so far.
Db press: 2 warms, 90's x 5, 85's x 8, 85's x 6, 85's x 6 (drop set, 2 drops)
Upright row: 2 warms, 125 x 9, 135 x 7, 125 x 8
Reverse pec deck: 1 warm, 170 x 12, 170 x 11, 165 x 12 (drop set, 3 drops)
Lying bar extension: 2 warms, 85 x 10, 85 x 9, 85 x 8
DB dbl kickback: 1 warm, 50's x 10, 45's x 11, 45's x 10 (drop set, 1 drop)
1 arm rope pressdown: 1 warm, 37.5 x 12 (drop set, 2 drops)
Ab work: 4 sets

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